hard-working|hard working in English

industrious, laborious, putting a lot of effort into one's work

Use "hard-working|hard working" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hard-working|hard working" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hard-working|hard working", or refer to the context using the word "hard-working|hard working" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was working hard.

2. What a hard - working girl !

3. Hunter's working the council hard.

4. Assiduous+ass+in+the+dust.a donkey working hard in the dust.meaning hard working or industrious or diligent

5. I've been working him pretty hard.

6. example of a hard-working pupil.

7. She's working hard to earn money.

8. We're still working hard at it.

9. Young, hard-working, good-Iooking, abstemious.

10. He's been working hard all day.

11. Young, hard- working, good- looking, abstemious

12. We admire his working so hard.

13. See how hard working he is.

14. We are Bruvvers working hard at bruvvv

15. I know how hard you've been working.

16. She is intelligent, hard-working and personable.

17. He attributes his success to working hard.

18. Soon Mórmon and Morian were working hard.

19. Got you working pretty hard here, huh?

20. I used to be quite hard working.

21. I'm still working hard towards that goal."

22. Without doubt she has working very hard.

23. He made a feint of working hard.

24. By working hard he gained rapid promotion.

25. He was working hard to seem jovial.